Thursday, May 22, 2008

Beautiful Chicago

There are some beautiful sites here! Maybe I think they are so pretty just because I'm used to Utah and how dry everything is there but I am just blown away at the every day things here. This picture is of a little lake and there is a 3-mile running trail that surrounds it. I actually have been running on this trail every morning with some of the other moms from the ward and it is so much fun to be able to run in such an amazing location. This is about 3 miles from our apartment.

Last Saturday I went to downtown Chicago with Nikisha, another mom that is out here for the summer. She has twins that are just a few months older than Emma so it is fun to hang out with her since the kids can play together. This is of us on the train on our way to downtown.

This is right outside the train station. We had our hands full with 4 kids! It was a crazy but fun day!

We got to ride on a water taxi on our way to the Navy Pier. This is a shot from off the front of the boat.
The girls and I on the boat. (Sorry it's a little washed out)
We passed this on the boat ride and I thought it was an interesting concept. I don't know if you can tell but those are cars parked in those little holes, and above the cars there are apartments. Those look like they would be fun to live in! This is just in one of the shopping areas in downtown. This is at the Navy Pier. We are going again sometime and when we do I will get better pictures. At this point in the day the kids were crazy and we were just trying to keep them happy so I wasn't too worried about getting any good pictures! :)


Lisa and Lance said...

Yeah! I am so glad to hear you guys are alive over there! It looks like you are having a great time. I can't believe how big your kids are getting, they are so adorable! Good luck with the rest of the summer selling!

Heber said...

Wow - that is so fun to see all those pictures. Those girls really are looking big! We miss all of you and can't wait to see you

The Piercys said...

Oh my goodness! What cute pictures! I can't believe Emma got into the desitin....actually somehow it doesn't surprise me though. She can figure out how to get to anything! Kenzie is getting so big! I loved the picture of her pushing herself up off the floor! What a doll! I miss you guys tons! Hope you are doing well and that Mitch is enjoying work! Love ya!